Burns Presbyterian Church Logo

Burns Presbyterian Church


We are grateful for God’s provision to Burns Church through your faithful generosity.

Now that we are open for in person worship services we invite you to join us at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings and contribute whatever you might be comfortable with

There are a number of other ways to continue, as the Lord enables you.

1. Financial

Our return to active use of our facilities has naturally increased our expenses. You can make a financial donation by Mail, P.A.R. (Pre-Authorized Remittance) and Interac eTransfer. Please contact Kelly in  the office for assistance with any of these.

Visitors to Burns can now donate online.

Please click "Donate Now" to begin.

Donate Now Through CanadaHelps.org!

2. Community Support

There are many organizations that provide support to the vulnerable in our community. Burns supports many of them. Please contact Kelly in  the office if you’d like to find ways that you can contribute your time and  talents to these organizations.

3. Prayer

Burns is a praying community. It’s a very important part of our support. Whether you are in need of prayer or are willing to provide prayer support for others, we encourage you to let us know. Contact the office at 905-655-8509. Your privacy will be protected.

We thank God for all of you, and for your support of the Lord’s work in our community through your prayers and service.

May the Lord grant us wisdom and courage to fulfill the work he is calling us to here at Burns Church.

Burns Presbyterian Church

Burns Presbyterian Church a member congregation of The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Sundays at 10:00 a.m. | How to find us

Call: 905-655-8509 | Email: office@burnschurch.org