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Burns Presbyterian Church

Burns All Day Camp

July 18-22, 2022
9 am - 4 pm

FULL-DAY Kids Camp is back! This full-day program will be fun for your children while accommodating your work schedule during the summer break. Our team is gearing up for an amazing week called “God’s Wonder Lab”, with indoor and outdoor games, team-building activities, bible-based explorations, science experiments, arts and crafts, dance and drama, nature activities, storytelling and music.  Campers and LIT’s, bring a nut-free bag lunch and snack each day. (Extra snacks provided)


Monday July 18 to Friday July 22 – 9am to 4pm!  Cost: Free! 

Space is limited to 25 campers this year so register soon!


For more information, please email Jill at camp@burnschurch.org or leave a message at the church, 905-655-8509.

Join us for the fun!


For children Grades 1-6 (Fall ’22).

Leaders in Training (LITs)

The Leader-in-Training (L.I.T.) program for Grades 7-12 (Fall ’22), is a wonderful opportunity for youth to: discover hidden talents, develop leadership skills, earn community hours and create life-long friendships!

Burns Presbyterian Church

Burns Presbyterian Church a member congregation of The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Sundays at 10:00 a.m. | How to find us | DONATE

Call: 905-655-8509 | Email: office@burnschurch.org